Essentials Training | Orbital Welding | Material Science | Advanced Tube Bending | Steam Services | PASS | SSM
Essentials TrainingLearn to build and maintain dependable systems. Courses on tube bending; fitting assembly; and hose, valve, and regulator selection and troubleshooting are taught by Swagelok-certified trainers at locations and times convenient to you. Most popular: Tube Fitting Assembly and Tube Bending |
Orbital WeldingLearn orbital welding principles, as well as Swagelok® M200 welding system setup, operation, and troubleshooting techniques from Certified Weld Inspectors (CWI) and Certified Weld Educators (CWE). |
Materials ScienceLearn how to choose the right corrosion-resistant materials to keep fluid systems leak tight, operating efficiently, and aligned with industry standards. |
Advanced Tube BendingLearn multiple methods of tube bending for both simple and complex bends with hand and bench top tube benders. See also: Tube Bending Essentials. |
Steam ServicesLearn to properly design, operate, and maintain a steam system for improved energy efficiency, productivity, and safety, as well as reduced emissions. |
Process Analyzer Sampling System (PASS)Gain a high-level understanding of sampling systems while designing and building an optimized system that delivers timely, accurate results. |
Process Analyzer Sampling System (PASS) SubsystemsSharpen your design skills by breaking sampling systems down into subsystems and their discrete function blocks to learn how each subsystem impacts analyzer results |
Sampling System Problem Solving and Maintenance (SSM)Learn how to troubleshoot a variety of common and complex design issues from the process line through sample disposal. |