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Swagelok Kansas City | Little Rock | Omaha | Quad Cities

Authorized Swagelok Sales and Service Center

Something to Eat

Something to EatOur HR Manager, Caroline took her boys to do a few Swagelok-sponsored volunteer hours at Something to Eat. This great group invites groups and/or families to come and pack meals for those in our community struggling with food insecurity, which is higher in the community these days during the pandemic crisis. The three of us pack 36 meals, which can feed 216 people! Since 2009, Something to Eat has been able to pack an impressive 6,338,987 meals. Nearly 50 million people in the United States live in food insecure households. By definition, food insecurity is “the limited or uncertain availability of nutritionally adequate and safe food.” More than 16 million children lack the means to get enough nutritious food on a regular basis, and 1 in 5 children in Kansas City suffer from food insecurity. Something to Eat fights hunger while teaching youth about the importance of being neighborly. Not only do they want to fight hunger, they also strive to find the underlying elements of it and combat the root causes of poverty. Today’s youth will soon be the leaders in our world. We want them to experience compassion and kindness and give them the opportunity to help those in need. If you have kids and find it difficult to find volunteer opportunities, I highly suggest this organization. Those from age 3 to 103 can volunteer! Go to for more information.