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Swagelok Kansas City | Little Rock | Omaha | Quad Cities

Authorized Swagelok Sales and Service Center

Truman Habitat for Humanity

Habitat for Humanity

Habitat for HumanityIn 2019, our Custom Solutions department volunteered for Truman Habitat. Three of the team members were at a new build site where they put on stair treads, installed sub-flooring, and cleaned up the property to prepare it for the weekend volunteers. The other seven were at a home that was being updated and remodeled for a veteran woman and her two grandsons. In this house, part of the team demolished walls in the basement so the basement could be remodeled. The rest of the team was on the main floor prepping the walls and applying a new coat of paint.

The Truman Habitat for Humanity team was extremely grateful for the help provided that day and the CS team said they were thankful to work for a company that allowed them the opportunity to do it, reiterating what a great opportunity it was to help those less fortunate and do a little team building at the same time!

Habitat for Humanity